Prayer Requests

Submit a Prayer Request

  • Goeie môre, ek wil graag ons twee dogters inseën. Soos baie huishoudings is dit n stryd om vir pappa en mamma op dieselfde bladsy te kry wanneer dit by Godsdiens kom. Pappa bevraagteken die geordenheid en waarheid en mamma het wonderlike ouers wat nuut gebore Adventiste is en hulle beste doen om ons kinders die waarheid te leer. Ons is veronderstel om hierdie Sondag ons jongste in te seën, maar ek kan nie daarmee voortgaan nie, nie in Die Bron kerk nie. Ek het gebede en Die Heilige Gees nodig om ons by te staan en een van ons wonderlike Adventis Leerraars te vra om beide ons kinderjies in te seën. Bid asb vir pappa en mamma om saam te stem en ons kinders op die pad van waarheid te kry. Veronica en Abraham Kramer
    Veronica Kramer - Aug 15 2022
  • I am praying for your church and it’s member’s outreach to Cape Town. I live in America near Atlanta. May God bless you with the desire and wisdom to reach the lost!
    Brenda Cooper - Oct 23 2020
  • Protection against persecution and shelter from the storm, for myself and my wife, Amen.
    Michael Lubbe - May 17 2020
  • Lord, please help me with my medication.
    Jenni - Oct 27 2017
  • Join us for our week of prayer meetings each evening at the church starting at 7Pm from 15October to 22October 11. We have a guest speaker. On the 15th our service will be starting at 11h00 and also on the 22nd. weekdays the meetings are at 7pm. Hope to see you Regards Basil
    Basil Kaschula - Sep 14 2011
  • Join us for a lunch time fast on Sabbath 1 October 11 at the church
    Basil Kaschula - Sep 14 2011
  • Pray for Mario he had an operation today
    basil kaschula - Aug 29 2011
  • Bid asb dat ek die Wil van God in my lewe sal verstaan. En dat Hy vir my 'n werk sal voorsien wat binne Sy Wil is.
    Sanet Stevens - Aug 23 2011
  • Join us for our lunch time fast at the church this Sabbath
    basil kaschula - Jul 28 2011
  • pray for revival and reformation at our church
    basil kaschula - Apr 19 2011


No upcoming events

Sabbath Time

Place: Brackenfell, Western Cape

Start: 06:02 PM, 26/07/2024

End: 06:02 PM, 27/07/2024